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Cialis For Daily Use 101: Everything You Need To Know.

Cialis (Tadalafil) daily is a way to take Cialis every day instead of taking a dose only before sexual activity. Order Cialis for daily use online today!

How is Cialis daily different from as-needed Cialis treatment?

Just like it sounds, Cialis (Tadalafil) daily is a way to take Cialis every day instead of taking a dose only before sexual activity.

This means that with daily Cialis you will have a constant lower level of Cialis in your system making you ready for sexual activity at any moment. With as-needed Cialis, you are taking a higher dose of Cialis, but only right before sexual activity, and you will need to schedule your dose out a little bit more.

What is the dose of Cialis for daily use?

Cialis for daily use is the 2.5mg or 5mg dose of Cialis, or its generic form Tadalafil.

This is lower than the higher doses of 10mg or 20mg commonly used for as-needed Cialis use.

With either type of dosing, you and your doctor will always want to go with the lowest dose that will help you with your ED, as taking too high of doses may lead to unwanted side effects.

Who is a good candidate for Cialis daily?

Cialis (Tadalafil) daily may be a good option for a man who needs ED treatment, but does not like having to time out or interrupt a steamy moment to take a tablet and wait for it to kick in.

Daily Cialis allows intimacy to be more spontaneous, as while you are taking Cialis daily, you should have a baseline level of Cialis in your system at all times, available to help with your ED whenever the mood strikes.

Another good reason why someone wants to take Cialis daily may be to help avoid unwanted side effects. Even though Cialis daily and Cialis as-needed are the same medication, since you are having to take higher doses with Cialis as-needed, there is a potentially higher risk of side effects as compared to daily use.

If you are interested in seeing if Cialis daily is a good option for your ED treatment, you can have a conversation with your doctor in-person or with a free online visit at Strut.

How should you take Cialis daily?

Cialis daily is taken every day, preferably at the exact same time each day.

You can take Cialis with a large glass of water, and you can take your dose with or without food, it should not change the way your medication works either way.

Only take one dose each day, never take more than one dose daily as this may increase your risk of unwanted side effects.

This is different from as-needed Cialis, which is meant to be taken 30 minutes to 2 hours before you plan on having sex.

How long until Cialis daily works?

Since Cialis daily is a lower dose than Cialis as-needed, you will likely have a few days of treatment before it gets to a high enough level in your body to work.

It may take 3-5 days of taking Cialis daily to start working, but you will then potentially be able to have an erection whenever you want.

Keep in mind that, as with any PDE-5 inhibitor ED treatment, you will need to be sexually aroused in order to have an erection as just taking the pill alone will not produce an erection unless you are in the mood.

What is the cost of Cialis for daily use?

The cost of Cialis for daily use can vary depending on where you get your medication from.

From Strut Health at, we keep the Cialis daily price at only $3 per day, so for $90 you should be ready for intimacy at any time for the whole month.

Compare this to the price for the as-needed 20mg Cialis which is $12 per dose, meaning that after taking as-needed 7 times a month, you would already be paying more than daily Cialis (with less flexibility).This comes down to just how often you have sex, if you are having sex more than 2-3 times a week, you may save money with once-daily Cialis while also having the benefit of being able to be more spontaneous.

Is Cialis daily a better choice than as-needed treatment?

Cialis daily isn’t necessarily a better choice, it is just the same medication used in a slightly different way. Cialis daily may be better for some ED patients, while others may prefer the as-needed treatment.

Think about things like how often you have sex, if it bothers you that you can’t be more spontaneous, or if you have side effects when you use the higher doses to help you are and doctor decide which dosing may be the best for you and your lifestyle.

If you have sex more than 2-3 times weekly, like spontaneity, and sometimes have side effects when taking the 10mg or 20mg dose, once-daily Cialis (Tadalafil) may be a good choice for you.


Cialis for daily use is when men take a lower dose of Cialis every day at the same time in order to be ready for intercourse at any time.

Cialis daily is usually the 2.5mg or 5mg dose, and Cialis used as-needed is generally the 10mg or 20mg dose.

With Cialis daily, there may be a 3-5 day period at the beginning of treatment where the medication needs to build up in your system and may not start working yet, but after that time period, you should be able to have sex when you want as long as you continue taking the tablet every day.

Cialis daily may be a less expensive ED treatment option for men who have sex more than 2-3 times a week.

Cialis daily may be a good fit for men who want the ability to be more spontaneous as less planned with their sex lives, save money, or help avoid side effects.

Strut Generic Cialis (Tadalafil) Online.

Here at Strut, you can have a free online consultation with our U.S. licensed doctors to see if as-needed or once daily Tadalafil (generic Cialis) is a good option for your ED treatment.

If you are a good candidate for generic Cialis (Tadalafil), your prescription can be shipped to your front door with our free 2-day shipping.

You can learn more about Tadalafil on our website, or go ahead and get started with your online doctor’s visit today.

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